Leadership vote
Each year the Board of Commissioners elects a Chair and a Chair Pro Tempore to lead meetings, oversee the back office, handle administrative duties, communicate with the Mayor’s office and other stakeholders, and execute other tasks.
In previous years, all commissioners were eligible to serve in these temporary leadership roles. That tradition is now at risk.
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Public safety
The July meeting of the Public Safety Ad Hoc committee generated interesting testimony by the county’s Chief Public Defender, as well as the DA’s office.
The full meeting can be viewed online, but the Daily Memphian captured highlights: “Public safety meeting tackles grand jury proceedings, juvenile court dates, more.”
As you can tell from the photo, attendance at these meetings is slim. But these are the most important issues we face, and I continue to seek answers and action.
I called for the committee to be created for reasons I explained last September. The committee has yet to live up to its full potential, and I will push for it to be reconstituted by our next chairman.
Legislative update
Here are a couple of highlights from our July meetings.
“One for One” pledge
I sponsored a resolution asking our neighboring counties in West Tennessee to join us in rebuilding Regional One. Because the level one trauma center serves the entire region, we believe other counties should contribute one dollar per person. The resolution drew three additional sponsors (Morrison, Thornton and Lowery) and passed 10-0. The Commercial Appeal mentions the resolution in this article covering our July 17 meeting.
Mauricio Calvo appointment
The Commission appointed Mauricio Calvo to the Shelby County Board of Education. Mr. Calvo replaces Sheleah Harris, who resigned prior to the expiration of her term, which ends September 2024. The Daily Memphian has an informative write-up on this appointment.
Recent events and interviews
- July 15 – Rescue 901 The Memphis First Responders Show interview
- July 15 – Frederick Tappan Show interview
- July 19 – Conservative Christians of Tennessee interview
- July 24 – Live at 9 interview, appearing with Chairman Mickell Lowery
- July 25 – Bartlett Chamber luncheon guest speaker. Pictured above with Senator Paul Rose, Chris Locke, and Bartlett Vice Mayor Jack Young.
- July 29 – WREG’s Informed Sources, appearing with Danielle Inez
Upcoming public meetings
August 9 – Standing committees, 8:30 a.m.
August 14 – Commission meeting, 3 p.m.
August 23 – Standing committees, 8:30 a.m.
August 23 – Public Safety Ad Hoc committee meeting, 1:30 p.m.
August 28 – Commission meeting, 3 p.m.
Book club
This month I am reading America’s Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything, by Christopher F. Rufo.
Stay in touch
If you have a question or concern, email me at mick.wright@shelbycountytn.gov.
You can speak with the Commission office by calling 901-222-1000.
I take the month of August off social media, but I otherwise welcome your feedback on Facebook (@CommissionerMickWright) and Twitter (@mickwright).
Thanks for reading.
Mick Wright
Shelby County Commission – District 3