Updates from the Shelby County Commission

Education and race

Update: The county’s resolution was returned to the floor for reconsideration on June 7. Commissioner Mills and I voted no.

My no vote was for the sake of simplicity, because I don’t think most citizens are aware of the board’s public discussions, the amendment I made, or my summary and explanation of both (as follows in its original form below).

I remain opposed to the 14 concepts condemned by both the state and the county. And I am still hopeful that the state will wisely consider the implementation of this law.

The state should equip teachers with whatever is needed to confidently present a full and complete account of history, and it should provide students with access to a wide array of instructional materials containing both positive and negative concepts, and positive and negative historical events, that are essential to a robust education.

Updates from the Shelby County Commission

Questions about the proposed Board of Health

Shelby County government is seeking to re-institute a Board of Health that was abolished in 1911.

The first question that comes to mind is the most obvious one: After 109 years, does Shelby County really need a board of health?

The answers to that question have varied, the board and its powers have been described in different ways, and the proposal has gone through multiple drafts.

Updates from the Shelby County Commission

Back to Business, balancing the budget

It’s another meeting day for the Shelby County Commission, and we have a couple of important items on the agenda.

Before we get into that, let’s check in on the coronavirus situation.

Updates from the Shelby County Commission

Safer At Home

Shelby County leaders have joined a unified effort to combat the coronavirus pandemic.

Here is what’s happening around the county.

Safer At Home. Memphis, Shelby County and each of its municipalities have issued Safer At Home orders asking residents to limit movement and to avoid congregating.

Coronavirus fatality. Shelby County reported its first COVID-19 death.

Coronavirus testing. The number tested locally (2,218) was reported for the first time, showing a qualified 10% positivity rate.

Economic turmoil. In addition to the immediate health impact, the outbreak has dealt devastating blows to the national and local economy.

Online meetings. The County Commission plans to meet electronically through the month of May.

Voting machines. The Shelby County Election Commission will meet electronically on Wednesday to select a new voting system.

Updates from the Shelby County Commission

Shelby County from a distance

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended all regular business in Shelby County, across the nation and around the world. But we’re all doing our best to adapt and press ahead. Here are some brief updates.

Public health. The number of confirmed cases in Shelby County rose to 84 this morning. Follow the latest news and recommendations from the Shelby County Health Department, the Tennessee Department of Health and the Cenders for Disease Control and Prevention.

Economic relief. Tennessee small businesses can receive economic injury disaster loan assistance from the Small Business Administration.

Online meetings. Governor Bill Lee issued an executive order permitting local governments to temporarily conduct business meetings electronically. Today’s meeting of the Shelby County Board of Commissioners will be the first with members participating from remote locations.

Bartlett Bear Hunt. Bartlett Mayor Keith McDonald has launched #BartlettBearHunt to help create a positive distraction for younger kids. Pictured above is our contribution, a Bartlett barista bear. I encourage your family to join the fun.

Dr. Manny for U.S. Senate. Healthy Tennessee founder Dr. Manny Sethi appeared on the Fox Business channel nearly two months ago, offering his expertise on the virus. We need to send someone to Washington, D.C. who is well informed and equipped to face difficult challenges like these. Dr. Manny has my support.

Neighbors in need. I’m hearing from all kinds of people whose lives, organizations and families have been disrupted by this crisis. If you have a special need the county might be able to address or information you think local government should consider, please contact me via email or drop a message on social media.